This is not my first career. I have had a career in the clerical/secretarial world for about 10-13 years. I can push paper around a desk and office like a champ! I can man that fax/copier/scanner til the cows come home. So, this isn't my first work experience. But, it is my first job in a hospital. Being that I'm in RN school, thought it would be a good idea to work in one. I look a lot younger than I really am. I will be 30 y/o in less than a month, but some people think I'm like 20 or something. So everyone always says to me when I point out a frustrating fact, "Awe, honey, that's just something you have to get used to in the real world." My thought's: Uhm excuse me but no, this is not normal. I have never worked with such a caddy, back-stabbing, rude, heathen bunch a folks before in MY LIFE! *shakes head*
I'm just so darn tired of the bullshit! Now I see why all the soap opera's are set in a hospital! That's where all the drama is. I love the work, but can't stand a good percentage of my co-workers. It's so bad that I am entering my last semester of RN school on Wednesday and I'm wondering can I really handle these bitches for the rest of my life? I like the people on the med-surg floors so much better, but I literally want to slit my wrists when I get floated to a floor. I can't stand floor work. So my options are a life of boredom with bed sores and bed pans or caddy bitches with the excitement of codes (did I mention that I am a total adrenaline junky?) and trauma, etc...
WTH is wrong with these people? Scenareo: I'm sitting in the break room with Loud Mouth nurse and the Registrar. In walks Goody Two Shoes nurse and Loud Mouth and Goody start talking about Sexual Harassment Charge nurse and the swinger sexual escapades that go on at his house and the party he had last night. Goody walks into the bathroom, does her deed, and comes out then leaves to go check on her pts. I shit you not, as soon as the door latched shut, Loud turned to me and starts talking smack about Goody! WTF? As soon as Loud leaves, the registrar starts talking about Loud!
I've been at this ER/hospital for about a year and a half. I've had problem after problem with a certain clique of people from day one. I've gone to the appropriate chanels to have this problem addressed. It made it to the director. Do you know what her damn answer to me was? "Nurse Extern (me) I know you THINK that this is going on, but it's just not. This is MY ER, and I would know if this was going on in MY ER." Really? I mean, Really? Your office is accross the hospital. How the hell would you know what it was like to work in that unit? The only time that you are in the ER you're micro managing everyone to death and don't let the CHARGE RN charge. What, are the employee's gonna come up to you and say, "Hi Mrs. Micro-manager, we're gonna ostracize your new employees and make their life a living hell while they're here with us. But don't worry, all the good one's we'll be extra rough on, so they won't be with us past orientation." Uh, no they're not. Wake up, come down from that tower and realize that something has gone awry in the ER and fix it. I bet she's really shit a brick if she heard what people had to say about her. I was told when I started working at Hell ER, "Oh that's Micro-manager. When you see her turn around and walk the other way and look extremely busy."
I've seen so many nurses come and go since I've been here and they all tell me why they don't stay is the attitude and atmosphere created by the employee's. Ridiculous.
My question to anyone reading this: is this normal everywhere or does it sound like a problem in this particular ER? Should I put in a request for the ICU? I've been there a few times and liked it...
That is all, for now.
LMAO!! If I didn't see the same thing all around me I would think it was just the night shift crankiness talking. I work in an ICU as a unit clerk while I'm finishing nursing school--and I am biting my nails down to the white meat I am so ready to get the hell out of here! I see pretty much the same stuff you're describing--I feel like I work with a bunch of teenagers, but the first thing out of their mouths once a conflict comes up is "I'm grown..." LOL. Every day it's like one big soap opera. I just kick back and watch the show...helps the night go by.
ReplyDeleteI've worked on a med-surg floor, a neuro step down unit, A SICU and now the ER.
ReplyDeleteGossips and 'back-talkers' exist in every unit. Some places are more toxic than others. At the risk of sounding sexist - I've had more than a fair share of my female co-workers tell me that they enjoy working with male RNs because "men aren't catty and back stabbing".
I humbly disagree - men can be just as vicious as women ... just in a different manner.
Unsolicited advice: Just don't partake in it. If people around you are gossiping, make an excuse and leave the area. If it seems to follow you around (as in no matter where you go, people seem to gossip around you) - politely inform them that such talk makes you uncomfortable and ask if they'd kindly refrain. DO NOT repeat/pass-on any gossip you've heard.
Remember, you're a professional - so maintain integrity. Don't snitch on your colleagues - no matter how much you may loathe (some of) them.
You can only control YOUR behavior and conduct - make sure it is as impeccable as can be. Yeah, you might not find yourself a part of the "in crowd" or might not get invited to the "happening events"... but this isn't high school and your career/job isn't a popularity contest. I like to remind student nurses (and myself): "I come to work to work. Everything else - friendships, parties etc. - is a bonus. As long as the job gets done, I'm ok with it."
Good luck,